All posts by David Bernstein

Mr. Bernstein is the CEO of WTI Outsourcing.

Outsourcing and Employee Morale

Note: This article was published in the September, 2015 issue of the Small Business Journal, as part of a series on the dynamics of outsourcing. Click here to view the published version. OUTSOURCING AND EMPLOYEE MORALE You have a 100 employee company and are experiencing steady growth. 20 employees perform low to midlevel clerical tasks.

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Outsourcing: How and Why

Note:  This article was published in the June, 2015 issue of the Small Business Journal. Click here to view the published version. Outsourcing: How and Why Today’s business markets are faster moving and becoming more competitive than ever.  Businesses are under relentless pressure to improve their offerings and keep costs low.  For most businesses, labor costs and the

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