Debunking the Negatives

When you hear the word ‘outsourcing’, three associations often come to mind.

  • Foreign people in a faraway land click-clacking on a computer with no understanding of your needs and no personal accountability
  • Downsizing, firing employees, trying to do things on the cheap, and sacrificing quality for inferior output.
  • Large impersonal corporations and businesses with huge edifices and hundreds of employees outsourcing many of their functions, including customer service, which we all know is far from ideal.

At WTI Outsourcing, we work tirelessly to debunk these assumptions.

Our own employees in our own offices in Bangalore, Chennai and Ahmedabad, India are intelligent, hard-working people who aim to advance themselves by doing the best jobs possible. Many have been with us from almost the beginning, over 10 years ago. With few exceptions, our Indian employees are all college educated, often with concentrations in math or science. Many of our managers in India are also long-term employees who have risen through the ranks and have personally performed many of the tasks we do on behalf of our clients. Our efforts in India are managed, from the client’s perspective, by our own in-house US-based client managers who are accountable to our clients during every phase of the process, from initial planning through implementation and beyond.

To us, outsourcing is not about firing employees, but diversifying tasks. It is about distribution of functions, differentiating between core and non-core tasks and distributing them in the most efficient and cost effective manner . Additionally, if your business is growing, outsourcing with WTI will allow you to scale quickly and efficiently without disrupting your current operational abilities.

Finally, you don’t have to be a large company to outsource; we will help you manage even one employee, one task. We will manage your outsourced employees so that you only have to interact with our US- based dedicated client managers to allow you to focus on your business and your clients.

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