The Outsourcing Process

Steps we take


Outsourcing is not easy. It involves major changes in how you do things, how you control results, how you interact with people, and most importantly, how you view your business. Success requires a commitment of resources and management attention.

We’ve built our staff around experienced clerical, financial, legal, and systems experts, many of whom having years of experience in process outsourcing. We hold our clients’ hands through every step of the way. With over 100 employees in 3 countries, you can trust WTI to give you a safe solution to your business problem. A successful outsourcing program will generally entail the following steps:

Process Analysis
One or more of our analysts review your processes to document and understand how they work. We do this at the client site(s). We track the flow of information- how data gets from Point A to Point B and so on. We examine paper-based processes extremely carefully, since outsourcing requires use of as little paper as possible. We figure out what processes should be outsourced and what should not. As an example, unlike other service providers, we believe that outsourcing voice interactions with major clients and strategic partners should never be attempted. We give truthful guidance on what make sense to move.

Process Streamlining
Based on our years of experience in dissecting clerical processes, we frequently find areas for process improvement- to improve quality, reduce the number of processing steps, and to enable processes to be outsourced efficiently.

Designing the outsourcing process
Working directly with our clients, we define a new set of processes that account for outsourcing. New processes will be as paperless as possible. We define and document job descriptions, process steps, QA steps, modes of communication, feedback loops, and how the client should be organized to reflect overseas team members. We also figure out the order of implementation- which processes can be moved as soon as possible, and which should wait until earlier ones are fully implemented.

To insure quality, our US client support team experience the same training as our offshore employees. They will also do a few sample batches of work as part of the process. A new client’s employees are trained on how to manage overseas employees and control results.

An outsourced process is considered successfully implemented when the overseas employees can competently perform the inherent tasks under client management at quality and productivity levels that meet the same standards as those for US based employees.

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